Tredegar House
Tredegar House, Newport, South Wales Tredegar House, Newport, South Wales In The Post Virus World Is this the Shape of things to Come? The National Trust works in a mysterious way, but there are leaks. A recent article in the ‘Daily Mail’ [1] revealed a “secret 17- page memo [2] described on its front page as ‘a ten year vision’ [3] .. “described by the Mail as making “ chilling reading for those who cherish [The Trust’s] traditional role of preserving great homes and their contents”. [4] The memo attacks the Trust’s ‘outdated mansion experience, serving a loyal but dwindling audience’ and proposes an ‘urgent review of the opening hours of properties, along with a policy of putting art and antiques collections into storage so rooms can be used to develop “ new sources of experience –based income.” [5] If this unattractive scenario is the fate of Tredegar House i.e. to be in the words of a Trust insider a property...